Well, if you haven't already noticed, Hack a Day just started its classified ads service over at classifieds.hackaday.com. Essentially, it's Craigslist, but for the hackers, modders, and makers of things. I, understanding the full magnitude of the number of daily visitors to Hack a Day, seized the opportunity to advertise my DIY-intosh (my ebay auction recently ended). Why?
- It needs to be sold and ebay isn't working.
- I don't want tech support calls from the people I'm selling it to.
- People like me are comfortable with electronics that aren't fully enclosed.
- Hack a Day's huge traffic and the fact that this service was just created means that there would be a large number of visitors to the new part of the site in a small amount of time.
- Because of the current lack of items for sale there, my DIY-intosh would stand out and be noticed.
- People that would be more willing to buy my DIY-intosh would be going there (your average ebayer isn't going to want to buy a computer built from laptop parts without tech support).
This is perfect for my DIY-intosh.
In other news, my MakerBot's plastruder has broken yet again and I'm seriously considering buying the MK5 extruder (possibly with the funds from the sale of the DIY-intosh).